How to decide on home /property Space – Location.

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 8 November 2014 0 comments

While owning a home is a great idea, have you given a thought to what locations or environments you can live in?

For many people, the decision to buy a home of their own seems too big a dream. Many can’t seem to get past the huge price tags on their dream homes while others are simply put-off by the many ‘complicated’ processes involved in securing it, talking about all the trips to the land acquisition/ regularization office, legal papers and all.
However, let me break it to you, if you think purchasing a home involves many paper works, then I have to say it involves even more brain work, especially considering the many million Naira going into it.

We as individuals, have varying needs and fancies, hence, things like home structure, - whether it is a duplex, bungalow or even simple apartments should be thought about. Importantly, it is your responsibility to think and make up your mind on what environments you picture your ideal home in. Do you prefer the busy and bustling areas such as Surulere in Lagos or Kubwa in Abuja, or you are the more reserved type and would rather go for quieter areas. These are thoughts that will be discussed in this post.

Deciding on a location for your home.

Choosing the right location for your home is as important as buying a home. Not only does a good location give you a social and lifestyle upgrade, it could be a major determiner of the future value of your home, investment-wise. Here are some factors to keep in mind when deciding on a location for your new home.

  •   Geographical Location: What part of the country do you prefer? Are you alright with the bustles in the big cities or the suburbs work better for you? Do ceaseless honks send you off the handle or you do just fine with them? These are just some questions to consider at this stage of your journey towards buying your dream home. As a potential home-buyer, you should bear in mind that your lifestyle and that of your family will greatly be impacted by the geographical location you choose for your home. The major factors to consider before making this decision are such things as employment opportunities, cost of living, good education facilities for your children, good entertainment outlets, and level of security among other things. These are important things that can either make your new home the haven you always imagined it to be or just the reverse.

  • Proximity and Distance: Before deciding on the location of your new home, it is essential to consider if it is central enough in terms of proximity to some of the places you visit. Nothing could be more nerve-wracking than long commutes to work every day or having to travel miles just to pick up groceries or drop the kids off at school. The truth is that the human body can put up with such lengthy rides for only so long, so just how much of it do you think you can withstand?

  •  Neighbourhood: Your immediate neighbourhood should also be given some thought. In Nigeria (and most other parts of the world), the neighbourhood has been used as a status statement. Hence, it is essential to consider a neighbourhood that best suits your lifestyle. Depending on your personality, you should consider neighbourhoods that best suit you. If you are quiet and reserved, then you will be happier in more organised environments where everyone remains behind the walls of their houses. Be sure of what kind of activities or entry or exit hours are permitted in your potential neighbourhood. So if you are the socially active type, for instance, look for a neighbourhood that gives you room for that. For instance, some estates in Nigeria strongly refuse social or religious activities within their grounds so as to preserve the sanctity of the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood.  Apart from the physical space of the neighbourhood being considered, it is also important to consider the current residents and kind of people that live there.

  • Neighbours: As with all neighbourhoods, there are always neighbours, and these too should be put in focus. You should consider the kind of people that already live in your potential neighbourhood and how comfortably you can live in your home with them around you. You should take into account the many direct and indirect influences your neighbours are capable of having on your children’s all-round growth, for instance.                                          Also, there is the issue of ‘over-familiar’ neighbours who would seize every opportunity to ‘gatecrash’ into your personal time and space, all in the name of visiting. On the other hand, some neighbours would rather stay tucked away behind their high fences and iron doors, thus, the question is which of these environments best define you?

  • Security: Someone once said that “the door to safety swings on the hinges of common sense”, and over time, I have come to agree with him. Your safety and security lies within your hands and it is only wise to ensure that some safety measures are always in place, especially in an unfamiliar vicinity such as your new neighbourhood. To ensure security of life and property, it is necessary to inquire and research on the security level and crime rate in your new area. I believe that this should be one of the first factors to ascertain before taking any further steps in securing your new home. For most home-buyers, cost is usually an issue, and they would rather go for cheaper homes in areas with a loose security system, but I put it to you that there are no costs equal to the comfort of a secure home. Just like Rell said, personal safety and security are all that really matter at the end of the day.   The issue of security continues to be of particular concern, thus you need to consider if there are any checks on entry of strangers, unfamiliar vehicles, heavy trucks etc into your potential neighbourhood. 

Once you have clearly defined the kind of location and environment you consider ideal for you and your family, the next important mental step is to decide on the kind of home (structure and design) you want.

The next article will touch on how to decide on the best home that suits you.

Please stay on and enjoy.

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