
Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 5 November 2014 2 comments

Bisi is a Nigeria-based blogger with an ardent interest in home properties, their maintenance and all it takes to bring life back to your home.

Although an Advertising strategist by training from Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, I am a staunch believer of building comfort for yourself even from home. A little touch-up here and some colour there just does it for me.

My blog will focus on most aspects of owning a luxury home in Nigeria. I will write about home acquisition tips, stylish home decorations, and simple DIY techniques for home maintenance.

“…Some people look for a beautiful ‘home’, and others make their ‘home’ beautiful”.



2 comments to About

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello Bisi,

    Can you share your email and/or phone for an important discussion? Thanks.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Tunji, thanks for visiting. Here is my email address - agapemade@gmail.com. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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